Thursday, February 28, 2013

America's Stupidest Politician?

Probably Maxine Waters

Only Mock the Gods Who Tolerate You

Richard Dawkins, the famous atheist, demonstrates his courage on an Al-Jazeera interview

The Evil Democratic Party

Here is a list of twenty great evils perpetrated by the Democrats.

And whoever we swing their way we get evil too.

If Bob Woodward is too old, who else is too old?

Maybe Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden?

Running Out of Steam

Someone has lost his blogging mojo. Not surprising since he didn't have much to start with.

Check out my friend bigdogdancer at:

You can thank me later for driving a page view or two your way.

After All Chicago is Famous for...

Thugs What else can you say for a town that gave us Al Capone, Richard Daley (father and son), Jesse Jackson (father and son), Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and a raft of other low life's and made men? Obama won a seat in the Senate by low, dirty, foul and despicable practices. His lieutenant (or is that boss?) Valerie Jarrett is the scion of the corrupt black wing of Chicago gangsterism.

Read all the links here. No wonder the White House press corps acts like perverted lap dogs.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Some tacit admissions of liberal bias in the MSM

This is an excellent article by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal on bias in the Main Stream Media. He quotes the Washington Post in demonstrating a liberal bias.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Liberal Morality

Oh is that an oxymoron? Read on: NC Liberals encourage hiring PIs to investigate Republicans

The Pseudo-Science of Global Warming

So the Germans are starting to catch on to the AGW scam.
A key sum up by the Powerlineblog: "A theory that has no predictive value and cannot be falsified by experience is not a scientific theory. It may be religion, it may be politics, but it is not science."

Friday, February 22, 2013

Obama a Liar? Who knew?

Bob Woodward for one.

Every Democrat is a Racist

The foundation of the Democratic Party is racism. This should never be forgotten. Everything they do is to make sure that minorities are kept ideologically in their place. The vilification of Ted Cruz by whiteboy Massa Chris Matthews should come as no surprise. The attacks on Marco Rubio are to be expected. They whipped Alan West like a dog. They are also sexist. Look what they did to Sarah Palin.

This is the Democratic Party. Disgusting sneering jerks to a (white) man.

Democrats and the Constitution

Democrats have always had a big problem with the Constitution. They hated the 14th Amendment and they have always hated the Second Amendment. They used to be partial to the First Amendment but with the rise do the "science" of victimization and radical Islam they have moved away from it. James Taranto of the WSJ has an interesting article on massive resistance that is worth a read.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Everyone gets a blue ribbon

We are all geniuses and straight Astudents right?

I am okay, you are okay, right?

I think it is time we focused an open and transparent credentialing and let people find their own educations wherever they can.

Don't believe everything you read

James Taranto of the WSJ gives us some good reasons to be skeptical on the left and right.

I think everyone should have this blog bookmarked to help them sort out fact checking claims.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Radicals' True Aims

Do you think Obamacare was a good faith effort to reduce health costs? If you do then you are a fool. Obamacare will destroy the health insurance industry.

Liberal Media Plays the Victim Card

politico plays the victim

This is so rich.

Let California keep its businesses

The problem with importing businesses from California is that California people come with and they bring their California attitudes and politics with them.

Austin TX, a university town, is already too good for Texas. The smart kids come home when they get their and the helpless dweebs stay behind and wait tables. Add California to the mix and we get a tinder box.

It's better to encourage organic growth than to transplant a rotten to the core California culture. We need to import good people by onesies and twosies not en masse.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Who gets to rebel?

Well not people who love their constitutional rights--just those who want yours to be taken away faster. Chris Dorner got ahead of himself but no worry, they'll make a martyr out of him yet.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Marriage is a key to social progress

I am waiting for liberals to debunk this story. I expect nonsense about women trapped in abusive marriages because they don't have economic freedom (read welfare benefits) or lack access to education or lack access to cheap abortions. Others will talk about patriarchy blah blah blah. Watch this blog for more stories that are reactions to the one I have linked to.

Obamacare's Chickens Coming Home to Roost

These bribed and blackmailed Dems who passed ACA sight unseen ("we have to pass it to see what's in it") are now starting to get scared:

Key Democrats Turn on Obamacare

So I say stupid Americans, you get what you vote for. Bring it on!

It's different if you are a Democrat

Democrats have Absolute Moral Authority so they get to speak in conversations but are absolved from listening: Democrats leave their own national conversation on guns

Friday, February 15, 2013

With liberals diversity is good up to a point

Can you imagine the victimization grievances if any of the aggressors in this story were white?

black on black riot in a Minneapolis high school

Women in the Infantry? A Stupid Liberal Idea

This is by the son of James Webb. It is raw but war is raw.

An essay on women in infantry

But if we are going to have to merge them into infantry let's merge them into men's sports.

Whose idea was the sequester anyway?

Can you hear the boo-hooing? Does it sound sincere to you?

Huff Post boo-hoos over the sequester. The anguish over the defense cuts is rich

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gun rights in Los Angeles: Highest Bidder

In LA you get what you pay for

Do liberals really love Chris Dorner?

Loving on a cop killer

Do liberals poop in the street?

Who cannot see the difference here?

One of these guys is a nominee for SecDef and the other is not.

Does it take a genius to parse this out?

Do you consider this smart or stupid?

Pilgrims illegal aliens

You be the judge.

Is the Occupy Movement Liberal?

I know a guy who is upset at me because I say that liberals poop in the street. I am smart enough to know that not all liberals poop in the street although "friend" has his doubts. But he wears bow ties so what do I know!?

What I do know is that the Occupy movement that peaked out last year was essentially liberal.

See this entry from Wikipedia and ask yourself whether this is redneck or radical (read liberal)

The movement had some notoriously liberal champions

Michael Moore and Occupy Wall Street

Some other associations are a little but more circumstantial:

George Soros and his murky work

Well whatever. No one think they're the Tea Party.

Unlike the Tea Party that cleans up after itself, this liberal bunch are notorious pigs

Conditions just offal

There is even a famous picture of an Occupy Protester defecating on a police car


I ignore stupid liberals that demand 99.9999999999999% confidence levels 
so I think that it is safe to say that a liberal is more likely to defecate in the street 
than a conservative. What do you think?