Well this may need some checking but no doubt those cities make a huge difference.
A place for me to glibly and superficially vent about liberals. Comment all you want but comments with vulgarity reflect poorly on the commenter's mother and will be deleted out of respect for her, whoever she is. If you are offended I offer the Jonathan Gruber excuse, I was being stupid, thoughtless and inexcusable. If not then I was being witty.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Now this is an inconvenient statistic
We thought this would never happen after we said gays could be openly gay in the military.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The More We Fear Them the Better?
Why does the IRS enforcement division train on AR-15s?
When you cannot legitimately trust the state...
...then the state cannot perform its proper function which is to protect you from enemies.
Here is George Will on the nexus between the IRS scandals and the NSA issues.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
It is horrible cognitive dissonance when you find yourself agreeing with the New York Times.
The Utility of Metadata
So they say they are not collecting much information. But the information they may collect could be very interesting.
Think of the blogs you read. Could someone discern your politics based on reading such blogs? Could they choose you for an audit based on your blog reading?
Par for the course, Dems...
... But shame on us Republicans
Our only defense is that, in the meantime, we have had an IRS data leaking scandal that proves that we cannot trust the government with our private information.
"Well I've Got Nothing to Hide"
Oh really?
Here is a thoughtful essay.
If you could be sure that your surveilled information would be kept private then perhaps you wouldn't be so concerned but with the recent disclosures about the IRS you would be a fool to think that private information would not be used against you.
Obama won his Senate seat by getting disclosure if his primary opponents sealed divorce records.
Another Big Split in the Body Politic
We quickly see an unholy alliance forming between RINOs , the WSJ and the Obama administration around a defense of the Total Surveillance State (TSS). The Tea Party and the Occupy movement are finding common ground!?
"Oh you're just hyperventilating, NotLiberal," some may say. "It isn't total".
Not yet. But surveillance has one logical direction--more. There are so many gaps in what we know that it is hard to imagine the effectiveness of the expenditure. The TSS abhors ineffective surveillance. A politically correct TSS needs even more surveillance to claim effectiveness.
We can't even have a debate on this subject because the terms of the debate are secret.
This is going to hurt.
Monday, June 10, 2013
I would be okay with some sort of electronic surveillance but every strategy I can think of to assure that US citizens rights are preserved requires a level of knowledge about me that requires yet increased surveillance. I am baffled.
What is the relevance of email to preventing clandestine correspondence? Someone could post coded messages on a public blog and a reader could get the message. Do they track every page view? That would be mind boggling. Is every computer in every foreign location associated with a user that can be tracked? I have serious doubts about the real effectiveness of such mass data gathering. There is no end to the surveillance that will be required to be safe. Can we trust the government to only use the surveillance in narrow ways? What does the IRS case tell us?
I am okay with keeping secrets from our enemies. Sometimes that means ordinary Americans can't be in on the secret. But when Obama and Holder know it why should I think that our enemies don't know it? Why does it feel like the only people that don't know are ordinary Americans? For example: Why does it feel like the US, the terrorists, Egypt, Libya, and Syria all knew what was going on at Benghazi but we don't?
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Conservatives Deserve Some Blame
Support for the Patriot Act has been pretty largely bipartisan. I sense wishful thinking among conservatives that it wouldn't be abused. Now I can't say what the difference is between what is being reported and what Congress authorized, but to some extent we're going to have to say we got here complicity.
Now we have an IRS that leaks information selectively in ways calculated to damage, and picks on conservatives for audits we know that government cannot be trusted. What will we do about it?
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Their Tiny Heads Must Be Exploding
My poor liberal friends. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, Sebelius solicitation of contributions from regulated entities, DOJ subpoenas, drone strikes against US citizens etc. etc. had them scrambling to cover for their man. Okay blame Bush, it was the GOPs fault, look the GOP did this too and so on.
But they wake up today to PRISM and the Verizon subpoena and who only knows what else and what can they say? They either have to retreat to catatonic denial or their heads will explode. How far can you go with Bush did it too? At some point why not just vote for Bush if the only distinction is that your hopy change guy is less competent than Bush?
Poor silly suckers.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
When did IRS become a racist epithet?
The key tale away is that, to a liberal, all criticism of black men is racist. This is because liberals infantilize backs and pander to them so that they can feel morally superior.
Obama, Damn Hypocrite and Harry Reid, Filthy Lying Stooge
Should I tell you how I really feel?
Packing the courts and judicial filibusters.
Another hmmm...
Was the IRS mess all driven by concerns that voter fraud would hit the radar screen harder?
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Like all things liberal...
...this just smells.
Watch it all. Unfortunately Obama and his skanky Chicago crowd is probably laughing at the chilling effect of this.
Be Careful What You Wish For
The New York Times is a collection of treacherous hypocrites.
I support their right to evil speech but will happily kick them in the teeth for trying to abridge the rights if others.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Now if there was reporting...
...these so called information parasites would be out of business wouldn't they?
Debating Liberals
The first rule is don't debate a liberal. It is like a game of Calvin Ball. They make up the rules as they go along.
All the rules of rhetoric apply to you but none apply to them. Just like the brilliant infant Calvin in the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. Humoring infants is a no-win proposition.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Are You a Sucker for PolitiFact?
Be sure to read this blog from time to time. It exposes PolitiFact as a left leaning hack.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
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