Wednesday, July 31, 2013



bans hammers.

What did you expect? The  demographic  profile of theis city is 95% stupid. 

Remember the phony scandals?

Remember Harry Reid saying that Romney paid no taxes? 

Of course the biggest phony of them all is Barack Hussein Obama, the law review editor who wrote no law review  articles, the constitutional lawyer that was a token adjunct and etc. etc. ?

Where is Al Sharpton's outrage?

Here is a horrific hate crime murder of two whites by a gang of animals.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ya gotta love those classy Democratic campaigns

like Anthony Weiner's

Some folks won' be happy until the whole country is

....turned into Detroit.

It's what you would expect from Zimbabwe

Except that it is Detroit.

I dare the GOP... cooperate in trying to fix this mess. This is justice.

Someday they'll nudge this much even..

They'll know what your blood sugar level is all day long and what your insulin dose should be and when you took it. Then they'll "nudge" you to manage it more effectively. When you show up to the doctor he'll get a readout and will treat or not treat based on your compliance. Ooops! My mistake. You won't get an appointment if you're are not in compliance (unless you are a protected minority.) Actually except for the protected minority part I could go with this as long as I am paying.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

On Propaganda

So the government can't count on the MSM to cover for it. 

They have to take into account The Drudge Report


I predict that he will

Black murdered by white Hispanic

Where is the outrage.?

Oh this Hispanic was illegal.  To be sure he has received the death penalty and is on the California death row which means life imprisonment and full employment for lawyers for 20 years until the eunuch courts if California commute the death sentence. 

Oh Yes Tolerance

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Affirmative Scholarship

What happens when you give someone a vocabulary but no brain to use it with. 

See this take on Powerline Blog

Emmanuel Goldstein

Or is that George Zimmerman?  

He Left is sponsoring two minute hates on George Zimmerman.  

Progressive government cannot function without "hates". 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

God Made a Democrat?

God isn't perverse. Democrats chose to be Democrats:

Showing us an unhinged liberal (oxymoronic to be sure)...

...and the subsequent slapdown by a thinker.

Its because liberals are always liars all the time.

A diatribe on the MSM  lying about George Zimmerman.

Because lying is reflexive with liberals.

Be careful what you ask for... may get it.

What does the cesspool want?

Ostrich Mainstream Media

There is no doubt that Islam is one of the great evils of all time. They claim the middle east as theirs but it was Christian before it was Muslim. The fringes of Islam may be peaceful ordinary people with normal aspirations but they (though a majority)are not connected to Islam theological, doctrinally or morally--only traditionally.

VIDEO: Black Woman Stands Her Ground

She was assaulted with a knife AFTER she got out her rifle and pointed it at the man. 

He is now dead. She has not been charged. The case will be referred to a grand jury. It is unlikely that they will bring an indictment. 

The Meme Changes Nothing

Weiner will be around forever. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another Weiner Joke

Of course he's electable. He is a Democrat. 

What's good for the goose...

...isn't necessarily good for the gander.

It is true...

Progressives are racists and one of them admits it here.

Godwin's Law:

a progressive rhetorical rule to prevent conservatives from identifying and derogating progressive fascistic policies. Its invocation aims to co-opt the debate over judicial activism, increased executive authority, progressive eugenics, national security policy etc.  

Conservatives should not be afraid of the baby babble that is provoked by progressive fools who use it to say 'move along, nothing to see here'. 

Ann Althouse has more. 

UPDATE: and did I mention gun rights and press freedom? The ideology of the progressive left is so fascistic that they dare not suffer comparison with Hitler and Mussolini requiring that they invoke Godwin's Law at very turn. 

Update 2: The NYT corrects themselves sort of. 

Monday, July 22, 2013


Because He Really Hates Blacks?

Why Obama is now against Stand Your Ground Laws When Previously He Was For Them?

They have had a disparate impact in blacks' favor in Florida

That was then...

...this is now

Too much government

We don't need this much help government

Public Employee Unions are a Rotten Cesspool of Corruption

See this short lecture on Prager University.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Consistency... the hobgoblin of conservative minds. Liberals are never fettered by principals. 

Look what he ACLU is doing

Liberals biggest fears

Among them is that blacks will  arm themselves. 

Shelby Steele in the WSJ

"Today's black leadership pretty much lives off the fumes of moral authority that linger from its glory days in the 1950s and '60s. "

Read it here.

Hip Hop Culture

Hip hop culture is low and detestable. It should be despised. But despising culture isn't racist. However, calling someone a racist for hating hip hop culture  is an insult to black people who reject the animal culture. 

I hate hip hop culture and everything like it. 

Real Truth


What are they? I have had a black doctor and a black dentist.  I have flown in planes piloted by blacks. No problems. Bu I may think about that in the future if I have any choice based on this story from Winston Salem State University a historically black college. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dangerously close... escaping the plantation.

This is HuffPost mind you.

The narrative is always more important...

...than the truth.

Al Sharpton "Chocolate Klansman"

Being liberal means...

...never letting the truth get in your way.

Florida has stand your ground laws  that have benefited blacks disproportionately. 

Perhaps the solution is to make stand your ground a defense except for whites attacked by blacks. 

The week in pictures...

...from Powerlineblog

This discussion will always...

...make decent people want to vomit

You may be wondering...

...why Obama felt a need to discuss Trayvon Martin. Perhaps this link will explain it better. If you're slow you'll wonder what the first two items have to do with it. Its because you're slow. They have everything to do with it. More analysis here. Follow the links. Obama's emphasis on this is a signal of his utterly failed presidency.


C'mon folks on the right, there is no hypocrisy possible by the Left by definition. 

Just ask the enlightened elites of Cambridge MA about ethanol.

The truth about Trayvon Martin

The liberals who think George Zimmerman was a racist who shot an innocent boy are despicable low scummy slim.


When will conservatives get it!!

There is no such thing as progressive hypocrisy!  PC is a tool to enslave conservatives. Progressives are always exempt from it and every other standard of social decency. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Speaking of Jokes

A wrap-up of Elliott Spitzer's day on CNN. This line from Stephen Colbert is priceless:
After mentioning that Spitzer and Weiner are both polling well, and that Mark Sanford could potentially make a comeback, Colbert asks Spitzer: “Do you think that, uh, it seems, that voters are more forgiving than they used to be. Do you think that signals progress for our country, or the slow decay of our moral values?” A stunned Spitzer could only respond with, “Wow.” To which Colbert replied, “Oh yeah, this ain’t Charlie Rose, mother .”
Oh wow indeed.

This is pretty aggressive


What did I just say?

There is no hypocrisy on the left.

It's easier to rule slaves than free people

Detroit descends even lower. 


---is undefined on the Left.

A fence for me...

...but not for thee. Nothing is perfect but our current immigration prevention measures are a total farce overseen by a corrupt border patrol lead by the Chicago Mob.

Another occassion...

...for liberals to shove their heads up their nether orifice. Peggy Noonan on the IRS

Highlighting the rank triviality...

of progressive discourse. Rachel Maddow is such disgusting fecal pile. She is an anatomical freak of nature with an interchangeable mouth and anus at both ends of her digestive tract.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


that the Progressive left has a morals corrupting agenda.

Another Lie

How boring. It's one lie after another from the Chicago mob. 

They said that the colonel that the congressional committee has been trying to get to testify has retired and hey don't know where he is. It's a lie. 

Closer and closer and yet closer to the top

Why we must not trust Obama with the IRS.

The progressive left has some interesting friends

Obama's buddy is a Chicago terrorist named Bill Ayers. But there is another terrorist that has had some significant hugs and cuddles with the left.

It's scandals like this...

..that make us unable to trust the Chicago thug ridden Obama Administration. 

Instapundit wraps it up here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Closer and closer to the top

The IRS scandal was just a few bureaucrats in Cincinnati? 

That was this, this is now.

More on the Joke in New York

So where is the indignation in Greece,...

...NY? There isn't any because a jury rendered a verdict after a fair trial acquitting a black man in the death of a white man. Update: This happened several years ago. Here is more.


Richard Cohen...

Please do not infer.... This from This:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Unions Are Waking Up to ...

...the horror of obamacare

Not welcome if you have escaped the plantation

Apparently one potential black juror was excluded because she watched Fox News

Its witch hunt time!

Zimmerman's brother calls for an end to the witch hunt You can tell the witch hunters what you think at Note the anonymity they get for themselves. The lazy cowards.

Eric Holder is Filth

The DOJ whipped up hysteria in Florida in the days after Trayvon's Martin was shot. Eric Holder isn't interested in uniting a country. He is interested in creating power for himself and his foul and vile minions. 

They deserve to be mocked

The WSJ Overestimates California

Nothing excites Californians more than the thought of something for nothing. Maybe lead paint will be a bonanza.

The IRS Scandal and the DOJ Coverup

Individual donor and political candidate tax records were improperly accessed.  This is a gross violation of the law. Why won't the IRS prosecute? 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our government working for us... bridge the racial divide.

Stupid and Liberal are synonyms

This is the kind of stupid thing that an acquaintance of mine could have done except for the fact that there is no way he could have written the app

A provocation for more conversation

James Taranto in the WSJ

America's biggest problem is...


It is acute on the Left and conservatives are not immune. I get emails every day that purport to represent something that this or that liberal did or said that are simply concoctions.  (Even a plausible concoction is a concoction). 

We will mock you New York

Imagine that,  a red hot poker

No don't imagine that. You'll have to poke out your mind's eye.  Oh client number nine you give me so much mirth. 

On the collapse of Big Government

Henninger in the WSJ

Why isn't the MSM going berserk over these failures?  Is it possibly because they see themselves as the promoters of a progressive agenda?  The Ministry of Truth?  

Who are you going to believe?

Breitbart or the DOJ?

Eric Holder lies even when the truth would help him. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pointing out the rank stupidity of...


I am with Jerry Brown...

...on this.

Prison isn't supposed to be cushy. Feed'm, turn on the fire hydrant once a week, and give the inmates a privy and that is enough. Make it so they never want to go back. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

NYC: First a wiener now a Spitzer

See what happens when culture  disappears.

This is the cruel joke of progressive politics. 

More here.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I will seriously consider calling a same sex relationship marriage...

...when two same sex partners conceive a baby in their bedroom with their own DNA and no medical intervention and no "toys" and then give birth to it after normal gestation in one of their bodies.