A place for me to glibly and superficially vent about liberals. Comment all you want but comments with vulgarity reflect poorly on the commenter's mother and will be deleted out of respect for her, whoever she is. If you are offended I offer the Jonathan Gruber excuse, I was being stupid, thoughtless and inexcusable. If not then I was being witty.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Clueless conservatives...
..keep calling out liberals for hypocrisy. THERE IS NO SUCH THING!
When your only principle is power there is no hypocrisy!
Friday, August 30, 2013
What have I said about liberal hypocrisy?
There isn't any such thing. You can't be a hypocrite if your only principle is power.
Remember when multilateralism was their mantra? That was when a Republican was in office.
Now this.
Remember when multilateralism was their mantra? That was when a Republican was in office.
Now this.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Same as the old Confederates: the Democrats.
1. Race is their platform
2. Slavery (economic) is still on their platform
3. Plantation medicine is still on their platform
4. Gun control is still on their platform
5. Eugenics (abortion) is still on their platform
6. Populism is still their platform
7 etc.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I want to go on the record and say that a military strike on Syria is a bad idea. There are no good guys in Syria poised to change anything to our benefit. Yes women and children suffer but hat is the price a society pays for not acting sooner.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Monty Python nails it...
...long before it ever happened. You can't call something that far in advance trenchant can you? Anyway here are some thoughts on Bradley woManning
Friday, August 23, 2013
Big Brother...
...will never be satisfied until he knows everything there is to know about you including where you are, where your going and where you have been.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
A litany of idiocy
A summary of some of the mor egregious idiocies that have been uttered by Obama and the elites.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
The FBI lied for Obama
They said that they were aggressively pursuing mortgage fraud. They were not.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Too much logic here for a progressive...
A comparison between arguments in support of slavery and abortion
How to make a progressive's head explode
This is an analysis of the cost of marriage and shows why many young people are opting out. Read all the links especially the one on Reynold's Law. If you are progressive you can expect your head to explode.
One more time, repeat after me...
...there is no such thing as liberal hypocrisy...
Never ever pick on the mentally handicapped. It is disrespectful.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
This would be news...
..if Hillary Clinton were a Republican. But she is an idiot so give her a pass.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Smug bigots come to Texas
They came to prove that Texans are hateful and bigots and they found out that we believe in MYOB
Fraud: Eric Holder and the DOJ
So in an attempt to look tough in their pursuit of mortgage fraud, Eric Holder and the DOJ released hyper-inflated statistics showing how aggressive they were. It turns out they were fraudulent.
Credit where credit is due: Bloomberg News Service had the story.
Rot: Chicago Scum in Washington
Does anyone think that the DOJ will lift one finger against Lois Lerner? She knows who have the orders. She is so protected.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Work ethic
This link must be read to the end or you will miss the point.
It is just as racist to say that Mexicans have a work ethic as it is to condemn them all as lazy.
Excuse my schadenfreude...
--but this is ironic satisfaction.
The editor of the newspaper that published all the registered gun owners in two counties is now looking for a job.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Chicago Thug: Dick Durbin
So big surprise Dick Durbin is turning up the thuggish intimidation. Follow the link to a story from the Cato Institute.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
SURPRISE: Reuters does some journalism
They show us how government agencies hide their evidence trails to pursue prosecutions. It goes without saying that they are hiding illegal and unethical programs and denying defendants the opportunity for a fair defense.
ps: I don't care who did this it is wrong
Dog Bites Man is not a headline
But it would have been if the young boy had had a gun and had shot the dogs dead.
Repeat after me...
c'mon folks, he is not just stupid but he is a black Democrat, which means he must be patronized and pandered to.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Celebrating the Bombing of Japan
My father lived because we bombed Japan into submission. My father was in the US Navy in the Pacific during WWII. He participated in the amphibious invasion of Balikpapan, Borneo and was staging for the invasion of Japan when the news came. I believe that the bombs probably saved him.
I am very grateful for this bomb but very sorry for the attitudes in Japan that made it inevitable.
See this outstanding Afterburner episode.
Years later I went to the museum in the Peace Park in Hiroshima. I was asked to sign a petition denouncing nuclear weapons. One of the proudest moments of my life was telling the person who solicited my signature that I was proud that America had dropped the bomb and had saved Japan and my father.
I have been to the Peace Park twice. The pictures of the carnage are unimaginably horrific.
The first time I went in 1987 there was no exhibit that documented out the events that led up to the bombing. I pointed out this omission to my Japanese colleagues. In no relation whatsoever to my complaints I was pleased on my return in 2000 to see some historical exhibits relating to the political situation in Japan and the atrocities in China and elsewhere that provided a little context for the bomb.
This link is also useful reading.
A hero for nothing
Investors' Business Daily smells something fishy. So if there is no attack on the embassies then Obama is a hero?
That is setting the bar pretty low, is it not?
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Meanwhile in the Kingdom of California...
...many government workers and public officials have immunity from even being cited for the sort of crimes plebeians will be cited for.
Is this something like Titles of Nobility?
Monday, August 5, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
No. Chobani. Ever.
I will never buy Chobani yogurt again. I don't want to eat products made by rent seekers.
I am sure that I cannot eliminate all rent seeker products from my life but where I can I will.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
All rot...
...all the time. Here is a takedown of a left wing take on Detroit.
The left is always asking, us, no demanding us that we deny what we can see with our eyes.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Illegal immigration...
...isn't just about "economics" says the LA Times.
Some will not come if they think its dangerous. So let's make it dangerous.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Only the American people don't know...
...what was going on in Benghazi.
The Libyans know, Al Qaeda knows, the Syrians know, the Russians know, the Saudi's know.
Even the GOP knows. Darrell Issa knows. He is probably looking for a way to expose it without telling us directly.
Only we don't know.
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