A place for me to glibly and superficially vent about liberals. Comment all you want but comments with vulgarity reflect poorly on the commenter's mother and will be deleted out of respect for her, whoever she is. If you are offended I offer the Jonathan Gruber excuse, I was being stupid, thoughtless and inexcusable. If not then I was being witty.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The Good Intentions Paving Company
This opinion piece in the WSJ discusses liberals "good intentions" that almost always have consequences that belie the motivation.
I am becoming much more cynical. I think that the chaos is what the liberals really want. Only the useful fools buy into the intentions.
This couldn't happen to nicer and smarter people
The seals and sea lions are out of control at LaJolla Cove near San Diego. They foul the beaches with their feces. No one can clean it up because the environmentalists won't let them. Ha ha ha ha ha!,
Monday, December 30, 2013
This is for Politifact suckers
They called it the Lie of the Year in 2013 but back when they rated it True. As far as I am concerned PilitiFact is BS.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Market based solutions are always the best solutions
Healthcare is no exception. The market is the most efficient and fair rationed of health services. Even poor people with little money would be better off with market driven solutions and private charity, especially strings-attached charity that can motivate the dysfunctional among the poor to change their behavior.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Sodom and Gomorrah
I commuted to San Francisco to do contract work for PG&E for nearly two years. In my opinion Sodom and Gomorrah were no worse than San Francisco. But it isn't the sodomy that causes this.its more like the self absorption of the selfish people who truly hate the poor. "No!" you say. Yes. In spite of their quaint regard for the insane homeless they hate the working poor with all their hearts. They have demolished all routes to the middle class for poor people, namely manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing was classicly the route to bourgeois prosperity for the labor in classes. Not any more, especially in California. And we must not disturb our scenery.
I got to know these people and I came to dislike these people.
If we had a real press...
...in this country, Obama would have resigned in disgrace during his first term. But we have a press that prefers to give Dems prostate massages with their proboscises. It is truly shameful who these eunuchs look away from scandal.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
If only he could write...
I would be able to determine if he could think. I always start to read his posts but they quickly turn into turgid illogical messes--smug rehashes of the Occupy sort of logic without even that much "logic". They have a vague patina of erudition but the next layer of BS is so thick that engaging in an argument would be like being trapped in quicksand, but with an odor.
If only it were just 47%
This article in Forbes claims that Romney understated the dependency issue.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Progressives really are anti-science
The only science they like is the science that comes with opportunities for graft and kickbacks.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
It is not permitted...
...to discuss the reality of the modalities (that sounds like something Al Sharpton's would say) of gay sex. Men loving men, women loving women, is all cool until someone mentions the unutterables. He could have only done one thing worse than mention the anus and that would have been to mention feces.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Crunchy California may dodge a bullet for now
So MIT says that electric cars don't perform well in cold weather and improvement isn't likely for some time. In the meantime it looks like we may be in a prolonged period of global cooling caused by reduced sunspot activity. Things are looking grim for Eco-stupids.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Delusional progressives make it seem as though Obamacare is all fixed and that Republicans have been making mountains out of molehills. But then comes this. I wonder if this will cause their tiny heads to explode. Hey, with no legal basis whatsoever we demand that you cover uncovered and unpurchased medical expenses no matter whether they conform to any plan or contract executed, intended or otherwise. When did Venezuela's Hugo Chavez get resurrected and become the Supreme Dictator of the United States?
Remembering the good old days of the imperial presidency. Wish we had them back.
Gun deaths and gun violence
The anti-gun mob likes to use the word gun deaths to describe gun violence. But gun deaths include accidents, bad guys killed in self defense and suicides by gun. It's a bogus statistic.
The gun murder rate by state is quite interesting. By inspection one us tempted to conclude that higher rates of gun ownership correlate with lower gun murder rates but solid conclusions require more number crunching. The correlation may be positive for gun ownership but if so it is manifestly not a strong predictor of gun crime.
The stat for Washington DC might suggest that the problem is black gun ownership. The Dems (the party of the KKK) may be saying to us that we need to restrict gun ownership to keep the dependents on the welfare state in line. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the murder rate in all welfare dependent populations (see penultimate paragraph of linked article) is significantly higher than the population at large. So maybe all the anti-gun rhetoric is the demographically isolated white intellectual chattering class expressing their fears about being overwhelmed by their clients.
As a member of the productive taxpaying class of America, I admit to concerns about protecting myself from both the Dem elite who want my guns and my property and their clients who want my property. My house was broken into while my wife was home by some of the "grab it" class. I pray that there us never a next time but if there is we are prepared.
Update: It turns out that the latest Colorado shooter was a crazy member of the liberal elite. Maybe we need to keep guns out of the hands of all liberals.
Something here for libtard amusement.
This one is funny too.
Global Warming Fraud
Five years ago, Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would be ice free in five years. Remember that it snowed this week in Cairo for the first time in one hundred years.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Well speaking of straw men...
So here this bow tie progressive lists Obamacare strawman arguments and goes on the attack. He isn't worth the trouble of refuting point by point but this should do to demonstrate his huge tendency to straw man arguments.
Bow tie boy goes after one guy who misspoke while ignoring an expert who had better grounds for his assertions.
Monday, December 9, 2013
It takes cojones to be a real journalist
And sometimes it takes a US government that has a determination to protect its citizens. But independent journalism is out of fashion in the US so is it any surprise that a journalist will be afraid to report honestly while on assignment abroad?
The Tea Party knew all along
That Obama was a damned liar
And did you think that you have seen the whole of Obamacare? Not even the tip my friends.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Why do we keep calling progs hypocrites?
You cannot be a hypocrite when you are fomenting revolution
Eric J. Holder has a lickback scheme to pay off Dem acticists. Rest assured that some share of this will be headed back to him.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Yes there is a Virginia Santa Claus
With all this that I won't dispute, the Dems still had to finance a third party candidate in order to win the race by less than a majority. The whole thing has a rotten smell.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Progressive hate
The title is a tautology. Sorry. To be a progressive us to always be right and in the most hateful way possible.
Here is Dennis Prager on left wing hated.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
The real ending
...to The Emperor's New Clothes. Hans Christian Andersen couldn't publish the ending in a book for children so he neutered it completely. Of course the little boy cried out that the Emperor was indeed naked but the courtiers and the people could not bear to have their delusion attacked so the fell upon the little boy and tore him to shreds and threw him to the dogs.
Catholic naïveté
If the Pope understood the world he would recognize that his beliefs about markets are at the root of the culture of death. This Catholic schizophrenia is infuriating and is a root cause of all that ails us today.
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