Monday, December 29, 2014

Climate Fraud

Again. If you don't willfully and corruptly omit most of the data there is no evidence of ocean acidification. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

The purpose of a crisis is to get more control

What is it they said about never letting a good crisis go to waste?

They don't want real laws

Leftists law students think that laws are white men's impositions on women and minorities. They hate the rigor of analysis and reason. They want emotional laws that they can apply at their stupid whims. They love banana republics and strong arm law that allows those in power to be truly in power. So this is the terminal stupidity that they want to impose upon us.

A Dem gets a clue

Governor of Vermont determines that the state cannot afford a single payer health plan.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Liberals are such weenies

If there is a way to be offended a liberal will find it and kick and scream about it. Ignore such trash. The only liberals who take such offense seriously are the overgrown children who make up the chattering class of progressivism. The Alinskys just use thiese infants to extend their agenda of social control.

Be on notice boobs: we get it so go home and suck your thumbs.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Think about this...

...before you describe me as callous.

We need to be more discriminating and careful in our charity. It does no good to throw money at a problem to salve our consciences hoping that the problem will go away.  Everyone needs their basic rice and beans and basic clothing and shelter but we need to reserve our best efforts for those with the capacity to change and productively respond to the help we give. We need to be laser focussed on doing just enough to help such people get traction and build successful lives and relationships. 

Frequently the help we give will be to people who are close to us economically and socially. Our help may not advance their immediate material well being but it may rather help them socially, emotionally and above all spiritually. 

Some may suggest that such help is self serving. The difference will be intentions. And there is nothing wrong with being blessed by helping another.

UPDATE: Typically the people who can help someone in need the very most are those who are closest to the situation. Yet their proximity to the need also implies that they themselves have unmet needs.  We best help when we focus our love and concern on the people closest to us who can in turn help others they are closer to than us.

This does not imply that we never help the most desperate but we meet desperation with the bare essentials to sustain life not ways to extend lifestyle. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reeducation and Self Criticism

I am old enough to remember Mao, The Cuktural Revolution and reeducation and self criticism.  Chinese that got out of line were forced to humiliate themselves so they could be restored to grace. 

So it is with Jonathan Gruber Ph.D. And professor of economics at MI T. He is facile, glib, self assured and certainly smart in the narcissistic progressive sense. But he got caught talking to insiders and exposed to the world. Now, mind you, he believes everything he ever said to the insiders but the left demanded that he sit still for a ritual humiliation. So he abased himself by agreeing to testify at a congressional hearing, not saying what he really thought, but telling everyone what a dumbass he was.  

Now that he has licked the liberal hiney clean he may get some more contracts.

The Country where Compliance rules

Progressives love the culture of compliance. It puts them in control but relieves them from consequences. It is a great place for the facile who lack any serious depth or competence.

This short excerpt from a political speech captures the essence of our future in Compliance Culture.

They were for it before they were against it

Democrats are the biggest weathervanes in history.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Charles Schulz didn't write the cloud text

No Bigdogdancer I do not read your mail

I have a rule set up in my email that is supposed to direct e-mail from the owner of the blog to the trash. Every now and then the rule doesn't work and I see an email in my inbox. I delete it immediately without reading it.

What would I do such an inhospitable thing?

Mr. Bigdogdancer has a terrible habit of deleting my comments on his blog when he realizes that I have the better argument in a debate. Now he would argue the contrary but if I am wrong I prefer to be wrong and embarrass myself making him look good than have my comments deleted.

Mr. Bigdogdancer considers himself a master of logic and rhetoric and an expert debater but he can rarely go two comments without violating his own "rules". I say "rules" advisedly because Mr. Bigdogdancer plays with looser rules than CalvinBall

Lately he is totally incoherent and illogical. He projects all the faults of the Left on to conservatives and he does it as shrilly as an OWS partisan. He tone reminds one of the militant feminists and his logic isn't even that good.

This is strange because I know he holds down full time employment at an executive level. Perhaps it's because he is in compliance. Compliance is the non-productive superego of American corporate business that helps government turn corporations into lapdogs for our political masters.

Compliance certainly suits Mr. Bigdogdancer well. Its very much in the progressive prescriptive mode that is never responsible for results.

John Adams was dead on

Sadly so...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Who has the fever here?

Bigdogdancer is a compliance executive in a technology company. He is also an ultra-progressive. 

A few months ago, after Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, he posted 
this sneer. It is clear that he ignorant contempt for the Tea Party. Along the way he calls the Michael Brown shooting a cold blooded murder. 

After the grand jury decision I commented that it was now decided that the shooting was justified. 

And then he turned delusional.  Read it for yourself. Of course the progressive disease of projection is raging full tilt. But Michael Brown as Medgar Evers? Whoa friend, get help!  

Who killed Michael Brown?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

America, You've Been Grubered

I don't blog to offer any particular insight or wisdom. I prefer to share the wisdom, wit, snark etc. of others. Some of it is profound and some of it is glib. Choose for yourself how to take it. Here is a good example.

Missouri Truth Squad

Bob McCullough, the Ferguson DA who led the Darren Wilson inquisition is a Democrat and was a very vocal, even unethical, supporter of Barack Obama. If this highly partisan prosecutor could not indict the Darren Wilson ham sandwich then who could?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Oh what a web we weave

...when we start to deceive

Eric Holder is so transparently corrupt and incompetent. But he dresses up nice. 

The monkeys will riot...

...but the zookeepers must behave and let them blow off steam so that the Dems will have to do nothing specific to address the problems they have created by overpopulating the zoo.  So says massa

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Will His Imperial Majesty Allow Us to Thank Him?

Meet an honest liar

He honestly told us how he lied. Jonathan Gruber

Obamus Caesar

All Hail!

All lies, all the time

In the progressive Obama administration.  They counted dental plans in their OCare stats. If they had not they would have had to report that they missed their goal.  

So even the administrations own propaganda organization is forced to report this. Of course Ezra Klein is whitewashing it as an unforced error. It's called a lie Ezra. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fecal California

Barackamus Maximus

Progressives are fecal to the core

This video describes the process our betters did to fool those who were truly Stupid into supporting Ocare. The deception isn't done yet. This year they are touting a reduction in premiums but not a soul on the left is talking about the enormous rise in deductibles and co-pays. It's all lies all the time. 

Biden is looking better every day. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I guess they can say they warned us

Lionel Trilling (a liberal) in 1947: "we must be aware of the dangers which lie in our most generous wishes. Some paradox of our natures leads us, when once we have made our fellow men the objects of our enlightened interest, to go on to make them the objects of our pity, then of our wisdom, ultimately of our coercion."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

See what progressives do when they can't defend progressivism

They post pretty pictures. This blogger is a notorious progressive. Just scan the blog to see.

But lately he has taken to posting his photographs. I would say he was ashamed of progressivism but I don't think that is possible.

Friday, November 7, 2014

From The Pity Party

"The first thing to notice about liberal compassion is that its lack of a theory is not accidental. Elaborating a philosophy of compassion is not an assignment adherents of the politics of kindness haven’t gotten around to completing. Rather, what draws them to compassion is that it works just fine— better, really— without being theorized. Rousseau, the philosopher who devoted the most attention to compassion, argued in his Discourse on Inequality that compassion’s best aspect was precisely that it came naturally to those who did not let their reasoning get in its way:"

Thursday, November 6, 2014

She got rich in politics

The American way.

Yes we can!


...are whiney babies.

A non-glib assessment of progressivism.

This is an important summary of a recent book The Pity Party: A Mean Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion

"First, being simultaneously compassionate and nonjudgmental — caring about how people are but not about what they do — disregards the many important ways that what they do determines how they are. Liberalism’s moral paradigm for social welfare programs is the relief effort after a natural disaster. For the same reason, liberals try to frame every issue they can in terms of children’s needs and vulnerabilities. But governing an entire nation on the basis of being nice to children inevitably infantilizes those who are not children."


"Second, liberals’ hopeful, trusting view of human nature leads, counterintuitively, to strident denunciations of those who disagree with them, or who stymie the progress of the liberal project. Believing that the world’s default option is to be a nice place, liberals explain all the ways it remains an ugly and difficult one in terms of villainy, stupidity, or psychological pathologies. Liberalism exists to solve problems, and regards every source of dissatisfaction or discord as a problem, not an aspect of the human condition that we might ameliorate but can never eliminate."


"Finally, liberals’ view of human nature jeopardizes many valuable things, the modern bargain chief among them. They are, for example, inclined to interpret, by which I mean to misinterpret, people who detest our way of life as people who aspire to it. Tolerant, nonjudgmental liberals’ instinctive response when Islamist terrorists commit acts of mass murder is, in critic Paul Berman’s words, “to suggest ways in which the apparent mass pathologies were anything but pathologies, and terror was reasonable and explicable and perhaps even admirable.” Of the recent ISIS beheading videos he has written, “The spectacle of black-uniformed holy warriors conducting human sacrifices gives us the chills, but it also makes us sigh. We tell ourselves: Here is what comes of failing to provide adequate social services to young men in blighted neighborhoods.” In other words, liberals’ first reaction is to believe that if decent people simply appeal to the decency latent in others, all will ultimately be well."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014


We are about to be screwed:

The Top Ten Liberal Superstitions

I hope that this isn't behind the WSJ firewall The Top Ten Liberal Supersitions Kate Bachelder October 31, 2014

1. Spending more money improves education.
2. Government spending stimulates the economy
3. Republican candidates always have a big spending advantage over Democrats.
4. Raising the minimum wage helps the poor
5. Global warming is causing increasingly violent weather
6. Genetically modified food is dangerous
7. Voter ID laws suppress minority turnout
8. ObamaCare is gaining popularity
9. The Keystone XL pipeline would increase oil spills
10. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared with men

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

You were expecting principles?

Fool! How many times have we said on this blog that the left has no principles? They only want power and they do what it takes. So where is the anti-war left now? There is no anti-war Left, there is no feminist Left there is no environmentalist Left, there is no racial justice Left. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014


...never let the facts get in their way. 

They also don't have an ounce if shame.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Liberal's welcome debate:


Actually they hate debate. They invent something to be right and just and scream and kick at anyone who dares to disagree.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Congressional Hits and Misses: Best of Nancy Pelosi

Congressional Hits and Misses: Best of Nancy Pelosi: Heard on the Hill continues its look back at the best Hits and Misses moments from 2014, this week focusing on Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's love for children, baseball and fist pumps.

Friday, August 15, 2014

The liberals are suddenly coming to the party...

Big hyperventilating outcries over militarized police. The militarization of the police has long been a concern of libertarians and Tea Party Republicans. I wish I could say it was a concern of Republicans in general but I think that our butt-kissing big government GOP agrees with the liberals that a strong police force is required to maintain state control. Besides all that police equipment is "law-and-order" pork to claim credit for. Libertarians and Tea Part conservatives are afraid of big government and its instruments of power especially militarized police forces run by the stooges of big city thug politicians. We tend to think that an armed population with good self defense laws is the best antidote to criminal insurrection as well as an overly ambitious state. Here are some links to tea party and libertarian concerns about police militarization:

What policing is becoming...

Monday, August 11, 2014

Obama would rather

Lie than tell the truth even if the truth would be better for him. Are any of you Obama voters ashamed of yourselves yet? 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Climate change is not supported by science.

It is a progressive scam to gain control and turn us in to slaves. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

He forgot the compliance industry

Liberals, at best, are high functioning parasites. At worst just parasites.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Triangulating opportunist

Chutzpah But I did vote for her in the 2008 Texas Primary. I still believe that she would have been better than the lying moronic bastard that we got.


self parody

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ninety percent...

Of Hispanic Border Patrol officers will be corrupted during their careers. Likewise for non-Hispanics married to Hispanics. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza's America

I saw the movie tonight. Very worthwhile. When it comes out in DVD I will buy it and invite friends over too see it.

This clip was used in the movies and it captures the essence very well.


Yes there were WMD in Iraq. This is a link to some evidence. WE do have to ask the question where did Assad get his chemical weapons?

Monday, June 30, 2014

Do you pass the Israel Test?

Here is George Gilder with the Israel test

Let's be real

The Clinton's wealth is all derived from graft. Speaking fees, television contracts, book deals etc. are all the result of their power.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Spoken with a progressive's tin ear

Her royal highness Hillary pleads poverty. My heart breaks for her.

Progressives have no shame

A pardon for Sergeant Bergdahl is so likely because progressives have no shame or honor. This Powerline post is written in anticipation of a pardon but the putative pardon is exactly what progressives want to serve up.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


She voted for every tax spending issue that came along. They must have been good things because they caused an increase in her market valuation. Or they were just bad things that forced changes to rates. Probably both.

If you want to write thoughtful essays

...that are informed by scholarship, erudition and are presented in a readable way consider these and others by Victor Davis Hanson. Seven out of eight blogs on my blog roll are worth your time. One is an example of everything pretentious about the progressive agenda.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Swiftboating: A reminder

Swiftboating is the telling of an inconvenient truth about a liberal or some liberal totem Not saying that Krugman really said this but just reminding folks that swiftboating is true or its not swiftboating.

update: Some commentary on Bergdahl

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


...are spoilers who walk in and see someone playing Jenga and then grab the first block they can and yank it wildly. They never look at how the pieces hang together and what is going to fall. In the end they wind up being anarchists which means they are just tools for the Progressive left.

Obama really is just...

...not very bright. If you or I gave this speech there would be mocking howls of derision but the racism of lower expectations keeps the left from saying anything.  Money quote: "The quantity of words spoken dwarfs the meaning of what is said. The express meaning of what is said is pitifully small. Acres of grain have been harvested to produce the straw men consumed."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Remember Valerie Plame?

Progressives sure don't. She was a nobody that was outed as a CIA"agent" by another liberal. But certain liberals kept quiet about that fact for a long time while a special prosecutor savaged the White House. In the meantime it's crickets on this story. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Progressive's always try to make the bad guys...

...conservatives especially when that are not. And oh yes it helps to make them white even though they may not be.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I must be a racist

It didn't take me to 2014 to understand that Obama was incompetent. I knew it from before he was elected in 2008. By the way he is also evil.

Sarah is dead on

But of course the hypocrisy implication cannot be spoken because progressivism mustn't never let truth, principles or any other value stand in the way of their desire for power. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Progressive Journalism

is just the repackaging of lies. Dorothy Rabinowitz rips hack William D. Cohan a new one in today's WSJ. Imagine anyone calling Mike Nifong a good man. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

We have room in Texas

...for SriRacha and any other company that wants to escape the business hellhole and poverty cesspool that California is becoming. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A borrowed epithet

The depth of the [some progressive blogger's] ignorance of the actual content of the [conservative] ideas [he] attack[s] is matched only by the breathtaking condescension and nastiness with which [he] attack[s] them. Read a few posts here and you'll know who I am talking about.


Or two or three. 

The great thing about socialism... that it is so productive. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

An unmotivated rebuttal to Progressive Stupidity

There I go with tautologies again. Here is a half-hearted rebuttal to a leftist meme. It is half-hearted because it is hard to take any of this progressive BS seriously. But bigdogdancer gets a charge out of citing BS statistics.

Progressive science

Yes, another oxymoron. Sort of like Ptolemaic astronomy.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

About this blog

Notice at the top of my blog that it says glib and superficial? Has anyone ever found it to be more than that? I hope not. I am not interested in bloviating like the articulate fools (and semi-articulate fools ) who can string a pile together and call themselves "the greates...".

My blog will remain a half-assed blog with some unselective links that make interesting and not so interesting points usually jabbing at liberals and their pretensions. 

Thank you for reading. 

Liberal racism!?

Impossible! They are only protecting poor ignorant coloreds from exploitation by nasty conservatives who think that they are smart enough to be responsible for themselves. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Progressive's really are against science

They prefer their opinions any day of the week. Their opinions are selfish little things that allow them to dominate others. Case in point.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

So what can Harry Reid do?

Well he's good at lying, cheating and stealing. Competence like this would be wasted on Reid or his spawn.

Sooner or later...

...they'll declare the 14th Amendment unconstitutional.

It's really good to enforce laws

that benefit progressives and politicians and their families. 

It is true that Clive Bundy is pretentious

But about 1/10 the pretension of this guy. And then their is Harry Reid, First Blowhard Of the Senate, who calls the poor old guy a domestic terrorist because he won't get off the land he wants for solar power.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Yes yes

Progressive liar is also a tautology

Progressives give aid and comfort to...

...the KKK

"What will our good friends at The Nation say now, when his very first sentence notes how inspired he is by the words of none other than Max Blumenthal, whose antisemitic and anti-Zionist book was released by the magazine’s own publishing house, Nation Books?  I can look back to find scores of examples of how various racist rants are attributed by the Left to conservatives, Tea Party members and especially to  Rush Limbaugh. Some years ago, one man tried to enter a left-wing group’s offices with a gun, and many leftists immediately attributed his actions to the hate spread by right-wing radio talk show hosts."

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

The world will not be a happy place

When the stinkypeters rule. 

Corrupt California

Of course it is politically corrupt. That goes without saying. But it is business corrupt as well. I worked as a subcontractor for a large regulated entity in California  for several years.  The place was a cesspool. 

Now a friend from the Bay Area tells me that every hiring manager in the area who hires IT consultants and subcontractors is on the take. Not a surprise. 

This will enrage the progressives

Concealed carry deters murder.