Monday, December 29, 2014

Climate Fraud

Again. If you don't willfully and corruptly omit most of the data there is no evidence of ocean acidification. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

The purpose of a crisis is to get more control

What is it they said about never letting a good crisis go to waste?

They don't want real laws

Leftists law students think that laws are white men's impositions on women and minorities. They hate the rigor of analysis and reason. They want emotional laws that they can apply at their stupid whims. They love banana republics and strong arm law that allows those in power to be truly in power. So this is the terminal stupidity that they want to impose upon us.

A Dem gets a clue

Governor of Vermont determines that the state cannot afford a single payer health plan.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Liberals are such weenies

If there is a way to be offended a liberal will find it and kick and scream about it. Ignore such trash. The only liberals who take such offense seriously are the overgrown children who make up the chattering class of progressivism. The Alinskys just use thiese infants to extend their agenda of social control.

Be on notice boobs: we get it so go home and suck your thumbs.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Think about this...

...before you describe me as callous.

We need to be more discriminating and careful in our charity. It does no good to throw money at a problem to salve our consciences hoping that the problem will go away.  Everyone needs their basic rice and beans and basic clothing and shelter but we need to reserve our best efforts for those with the capacity to change and productively respond to the help we give. We need to be laser focussed on doing just enough to help such people get traction and build successful lives and relationships. 

Frequently the help we give will be to people who are close to us economically and socially. Our help may not advance their immediate material well being but it may rather help them socially, emotionally and above all spiritually. 

Some may suggest that such help is self serving. The difference will be intentions. And there is nothing wrong with being blessed by helping another.

UPDATE: Typically the people who can help someone in need the very most are those who are closest to the situation. Yet their proximity to the need also implies that they themselves have unmet needs.  We best help when we focus our love and concern on the people closest to us who can in turn help others they are closer to than us.

This does not imply that we never help the most desperate but we meet desperation with the bare essentials to sustain life not ways to extend lifestyle. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reeducation and Self Criticism

I am old enough to remember Mao, The Cuktural Revolution and reeducation and self criticism.  Chinese that got out of line were forced to humiliate themselves so they could be restored to grace. 

So it is with Jonathan Gruber Ph.D. And professor of economics at MI T. He is facile, glib, self assured and certainly smart in the narcissistic progressive sense. But he got caught talking to insiders and exposed to the world. Now, mind you, he believes everything he ever said to the insiders but the left demanded that he sit still for a ritual humiliation. So he abased himself by agreeing to testify at a congressional hearing, not saying what he really thought, but telling everyone what a dumbass he was.  

Now that he has licked the liberal hiney clean he may get some more contracts.

The Country where Compliance rules

Progressives love the culture of compliance. It puts them in control but relieves them from consequences. It is a great place for the facile who lack any serious depth or competence.

This short excerpt from a political speech captures the essence of our future in Compliance Culture.

They were for it before they were against it

Democrats are the biggest weathervanes in history.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Charles Schulz didn't write the cloud text

No Bigdogdancer I do not read your mail

I have a rule set up in my email that is supposed to direct e-mail from the owner of the blog to the trash. Every now and then the rule doesn't work and I see an email in my inbox. I delete it immediately without reading it.

What would I do such an inhospitable thing?

Mr. Bigdogdancer has a terrible habit of deleting my comments on his blog when he realizes that I have the better argument in a debate. Now he would argue the contrary but if I am wrong I prefer to be wrong and embarrass myself making him look good than have my comments deleted.

Mr. Bigdogdancer considers himself a master of logic and rhetoric and an expert debater but he can rarely go two comments without violating his own "rules". I say "rules" advisedly because Mr. Bigdogdancer plays with looser rules than CalvinBall

Lately he is totally incoherent and illogical. He projects all the faults of the Left on to conservatives and he does it as shrilly as an OWS partisan. He tone reminds one of the militant feminists and his logic isn't even that good.

This is strange because I know he holds down full time employment at an executive level. Perhaps it's because he is in compliance. Compliance is the non-productive superego of American corporate business that helps government turn corporations into lapdogs for our political masters.

Compliance certainly suits Mr. Bigdogdancer well. Its very much in the progressive prescriptive mode that is never responsible for results.

John Adams was dead on

Sadly so...