Monday, January 26, 2015


Lord Monckton does a takedown. Progressives have taken over climate science for the sake of personal enrichment.

Friday, January 16, 2015

They are properly...

....ashamed of nothing. When Muslims strip away the buildup of culture and tradition from Islam, they are forced to admit that their is no ethical core to their religion. It is nothing and that is what they are ashamed of. 

Read  this!

Too bad that there is an Internet

It keeps the settled science boys at bay.

A history of settled science

Friday, January 2, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Liberals tried to take possession of "bully" epithets

so they could bully people. Here they are with an emotional and illogical rant on firearms.

If liberals didn't have double standards

...they would have no standards at all. But I am repeating myself.

Update: Yes, yes I am


in its modern incarnation hates analysis and reason and prefers emotion and bullying rage. No such feminist should be admitted to law school or granted a legal credential. They will just use it as a ticket to appointed owner positions to rule over people by emotion.