Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reeducation and Self Criticism

I am old enough to remember Mao, The Cuktural Revolution and reeducation and self criticism.  Chinese that got out of line were forced to humiliate themselves so they could be restored to grace. 

So it is with Jonathan Gruber Ph.D. And professor of economics at MI T. He is facile, glib, self assured and certainly smart in the narcissistic progressive sense. But he got caught talking to insiders and exposed to the world. Now, mind you, he believes everything he ever said to the insiders but the left demanded that he sit still for a ritual humiliation. So he abased himself by agreeing to testify at a congressional hearing, not saying what he really thought, but telling everyone what a dumbass he was.  

Now that he has licked the liberal hiney clean he may get some more contracts.

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