Saturday, March 30, 2013

Replacing the dying with new life

People can use whatever words they want but marriage is only between a man and a woman and exists as an institution for the protection of children who derive their existence from that marriage. Yes there are instances of marriage that are barren and some marriages fail. This is either a "genetic" or moral defect of the parties to the marriage. But marriage isn't about it's outlying instances no matter how the proliferate in our moral vacuum of modern liberalism. It is about the renewal and regeneration of society itself. It is about how we replace our dying with new life. We can replace it with diverse and sturdy seed bearing fruit or with noxious weeds that choke off society.

It is the Feast of the Resurrection. We celebrate Christ's triumph over mortal death. It is a foretaste of the wedding supper of the Lamb where we celebrate His mystical union with the church that brings forth the new man and our renewal. We model our marriage and the institution of marriage on his fecund example.

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